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Chocolate mouse with lady fingers

If you feel like challenging your baking skills, here is an easy decadent chocolate mouse cake recipe that requires no baking!

I have borrowed the recipe from my mother-in-law as my husband loves it and I have to admit I love it too!

It's fancy enough for company or just family, yet easy enough for any occasion.

Using store-bought ladyfingers for structure makes this mouse easy as a breeze to prepare!


  • 1 pack of lady fingers

for the cream

  • 1lt milk

  • 3 eggs

  • 3 tbs corn flour

  • 4 tbs sugar

  • 1tsp vanilla essence

  • 1tbs rose water

for the chocolate

  • 200 gr dark chocolate

  • 100 gr milk chocolate

  • 1 tbs brandy

  • 1tbs spry butter

  • 1 cup milk


  • Arrange the lady fingers in a clear deep bowl as shown in the picture above

  • In a pot, mix the milk, sugar and corn flour and whisk well until dissolved

  • Place pot on medium heat and add one by one the eggs and whisk continuously for about 10 minutes until it starts to thicken

  • Lower the heat to low and continue whisking for a few more minutes until thickened to a pudding consistency.

  • Remove from heat and add rose water and vanilla essence

  • Pour the cream on top of the lady fingers and leave to cool for 2-3 hours

In the mean time...

  • When the cream have cooled, make the chocolate topping

  • Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bain-marie

  • Add the brandy and mix well

  • When done, remove it from the heat and set aside

  • In a mixer bowl, whip the dream topping with milk until stiff peaks form

  • Add the dream topping mixture in the melted chocolate and mix well

  • Top the cream with the chocolate filling

  • Refrigerate at least 1 hour and up to 4 before serving

1. Its an ideal make-ahead dessert for dinner parties or cocktails  

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